Paolo Lucca

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Department of Asian and North African Studies


1.Current positions



Adjunct Professor. Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Department of Asian and North African Studies.

SDS: L-OR/08 (Hebrew).


2018 (June-December)

Post-doctoral position within the project «Books within books: Hebrew Fragments in European Libraries».

EPHE – École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris.



2.Past positions


2017 (June-February)

Post-doctoral position within the project «Books within books: Hebrew Fragments in European Libraries».

EPHE – École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris.



Adjunct Professor. Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Department of Asian and North African Studies.

SDS: L-OR/08 (Hebrew).



Research fellow. Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Department of Asian and North African Studies.

SDS: L-OR/13 (Armenian, Caucasian, Mongolian and Turkish Studies).



Adjunct Professor. Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Department of Asian and North African Studies.

SDS: L-OR/08 (Hebrew); Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, School of Arts, Humanities and Cultural Heritage. SDS: L-OR/08 (Hebrew).



Adjunct Professor. Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Department of Asian and North African Studies.

SDS: L-OR/13 (Armenian, Caucasian, Mongolian and Turkish Studies).



Teaching assistant. Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Department of Asian and North African Studies.

SDS: L-OR/08 (Hebrew).



3. Education


2007 (19th February)

PhD in «Oriental Studies». Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.

PhD dissertation: La prima versione armena di 1-2 Cronache. Edizione critica. Supervisor: Prof. Boghos Levon Zekiyan.


2002 (7th March)

BA/MA in «Oriental Languages and Civilizations», magna cum laude. Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.

Major in Hebrew and Armenian Studies.

MA thesis: Le due versioni armene di 1 e 2 Cronache.Analisi e confronto dei testi e loro rapporti con le versioni greca e siriaca. Supervisor:Prof. Boghos Levon Zekiyan; Co-supervisor: Prof. Piero Capelli.



High School Diploma Specialization in Classical Studies, with top marks (60/60).

High School «Liceo Gallio», Como.



4. Grants and fellowships


2017 (March-June)

Fellowship on Paolo Piromalli and his missionary work among Armenians, ERC Project «OTTOCONFESSION: The Fashioning of a Sunni Orthodoxy and the Entangled Histories of Confession-Building in the Ottoman Empire, 15th-17th Centuries».

Central European University, Budapest.


2005-2006 (September-February)

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice Grant. CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas), Instituto de Filología, Departamento de Filología Bíblica y de Oriente Antiguo, Madrid.


2002 (April-June)

Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Grant. Erevan State University.





5.1Graduate courses (MA)



Hebrew Language 1 (LT005K, 12 ECTS): Biblical Hebrew grammar and syntax. Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and University of Padua. MA programs in Religious Studies (IA0280), Ancient Civilizations: Literature, History and Archaeology.

SDS: L-OR/08 (Hebrew).



Jewish Literature 1 (LT002K, 6 ECTS): Introduction to the Old Testament. University of Padua. MA programs in Religious Studies (IA0280).

SDS: L-OR/08 (Hebrew).



Hebrew Language 1 (LT005K, 12 ECTS): Biblical Hebrew grammar and syntax. Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and University of Padua. MA programs in Religious Studies (IA0280), Ancient Civilizations: Literature, History and Archaeology.

SDS: L-OR/08 (Hebrew).



Hebrew Language and Literature (28339, 6 ECTS; 28731, 12 ECTS; 75716, 12 ECTS): Biblical Hebrew grammar and Syntax; Jewish texts, rituals and religious institutions. Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna. MA programs in Asian and African Languages and Cultures (0972), and History and Oriental Studies (8845).

SDS: L-OR/08 (Hebrew).


Hebrew Language 1 (LEM0019485, 12 ECTS): Biblical Hebrew grammar and syntax. Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.

SDS: L-OR/08 (Hebrew).



Armenian Language and Literature 1 (LM001E, 12 ECTS): Introduction to Classical Armenian; analysis of Eznik’s On God. Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. MA programs in Languages and Civilizations of Asia and North Africa (LM20), and Cultural Anthropology, Ethnology, Anthropological Linguistics (FM1).

SDS: L-OR/13 (Armenian, Caucasian, Mongolian and Turkish Studies).



Armenian Language and Literature 2 (LM002E, 12 ECTS): Introduction to Classical Armenian; history of the Armenian literature (5th-6th cc.). Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. MA program in South and Western Asia: Languages, Cultures, and Institutions (LM1). 

SDS: L-OR/13 (Armenian, Caucasian, Mongolian and Turkish Studies).


5.2 Undergraduate courses (BA)



Hebrew Language 1 (LT005K, 12 ECTS): Biblical Hebrew grammar and syntax. Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. BA program in Languages, Cultures and Societies of Asia and North Africa (LT40).

SDS: L-OR/08 (Hebrew).



Jewish Literature 1 (LT002K, 6 ECTS): Introduction to the Hebrew Bible as literature. Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. BA program in Languages, Cultures and Societies of Asia and North Africa (LT40).

SDS: L-OR/08 (Hebrew).



Hebrew Language 1 (LT005K, 12 ECTS): Biblical Hebrew grammar and syntax. Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. BA program in Languages, Cultures and Societies of Asia and North Africa (LT40).

SDS: L-OR/08 (Hebrew).



Hebrew Language 1 (LT005K, 12 ECTS; LEM0019485, 12 ECTS): Biblical Hebrew grammar and syntax. Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. BA programs in Languages, Cultures and Societies of Asia and North Africa (LT40), Ancient Civilizations: Literatures, Histories and Archaeology (FM2), and Religious Studies (IA0280).

SDS: L-OR/08 (Hebrew).


Jewish Language and Culture (66990, 12 ECTS; 66991, 6 ECTS): Biblical Hebrew grammar and Syntax; Jewish texts, rituals and religious institutions. Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna. BA program in Anthropology, Religions, Oriental Civilizations (8493).

SDS: L-OR/08 (Hebrew).



Armenian Literature 3 (LT009E, 6 ECTS): The Armenian historiographic tradition from its origins to the 17th century. Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. BA program in Languages, Cultures and Societies of Asia and North Africa (LT40).

SDS: L-OR/13 (Armenian, Caucasian, Mongolian and Turkish Studies).


5.3 Lectures and workshops


2015 (19th June)

Mistica e ascesi nel monachesimo siro. Master in Yoga Studies. Corpo e meditazione nelle tradizioni dell’Asia(AY 2014-2015).Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.


2014 (25th May)

Pratiche ascetiche nel monachesimo di area siro-mesopotamica. Master in Yoga Studies. Corpo e meditazione nelle tradizioni dell’Asia(AY 2013-2014).Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.


2014 (24th May)

Fonti bibliche dell’ascetismo in epoca antica e tardoantica. Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Master in Yoga Studies. Corpo e meditazione nelle tradizioni dell'Asia(AY 2013-2014).



Biblical Hebrew (classes given as Teaching assistant).

BA programsin


1)             Languages and Cultures of Eurasia and Mediterranean, 2007-2008 (L70184; L75317);

2)             Languages and Cultures of Mediterranean and Middle East, 2008-2009 (LT001K; LT002K; LT005K; LT2420);

3)             European, American and Postcolonial Languages and Literatures, 2009-2010 (LM001K);

4)             Languages, Cultures and Societies of Asia and North Africa, 2011-2012 (LT002K; LT005K).


Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.

SDS: L-OR/07 (Semitic Studies); L-OR/08 (Hebrew); 

Supervisor: Prof. Piero Capelli.


2012 (15th February)

Notes on the Septuagint. Seminar in the course Introduction to Early Judaism(312-002), Department of Religious Studies, University of Tennessee, Knoxville (TN), USA. Supervisor: Prof.ssa Erin Darby.


2011 (12th May)

Dal nome impronunciabile al nome segreto. Nomi e appellativi divini nell’ebraismo biblico e post-biblico. Paper given in the workshop: I nomi di Dio(17th February-26th May). University of Padua / Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.MA program in Religious Studies (IA0280). Supervisors: Prof. Piero Capelli; Prof. Giovanni Vian.


2009 (1st July)

L’interpretazione ebraica della Bibbia. Paper given in the summer workshop: La Bibbia nelle diverse tradizioni(Venice, 1st-6th July). Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi Balcanici e Internazionali di Ca’ Foscari /Studium Generale Marcianum / Istituto di Studi Ecumenici «San Bernardino».


2006 (March-May)

Introduction to Classical Syriac. PhD workshop. Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Supervisor: Prof. Piero Capelli.


5.4 High school



Remedial classes in Greek and Latin. High school «Liceo ginnasio statale Marco Foscarini», Venice.



6.Publications and works in progress


[submitted to editors]

The Armenian Community in Italy, in M. Dabag et al.(eds.), Lexikon nicht-staatlicher Gruppen und Gemeinschaften im Mittelmeerraum(Munich/Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink). [Encyclopaedia entry.]


[submitted to editors]

and L. Rosso Ubigli,La Bibbia dei Settanta: iv. Libri profetici, gen. ed. P. Sacchi(Antico e Nuovo Testamento; Brescia: Morcelliana). [Editorship.]


[submitted to editors]

Collation of the Mosul Text of the Peshittaof Genesisagainst the Critical Apparatus of the Leiden Edition,in G.A. Kiraz – A. Juckel (eds.),The Antioch Bible: Genesis(Piscataway, N.Y.: Gorgias Press). [In collaboration with G.A. Kiraz and A. Juckel.]


[in progress]

Zak‘aria K‘anak‘erc‘i, in B. Roggema – A. Cuffel(eds.), Jewish-Christian Relations from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean (Cross-Cultural Engagements), ARC-Humanities. [Contributo in volume.]


[in progress]

Eremia K‘ēōmiwrčean, in B. Roggema – A. Cuffel(eds.), Jewish-Christian Relations from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean(Cross-Cultural Engagements), ARC-Humanities. [Contributo in volume.]


[in progress]

Arak‘el Dawrizhec‘i, in B. Roggema – A. Cuffel(eds.), Jewish-Christian Relations from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean (Cross-Cultural Engagements), ARC-Humanities. [Contributo in volume.]


[in progress]

Bartolomeo de’ Podio, in B. Roggema – A. Cuffel (eds.), Jewish-Christian Relations from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean(Cross-Cultural Engagements), ARC-Humanities. [Contributo in volume.]


[in progress]

The Armenian Version of 1-2 Chronicles. Critical Edition and Textual Commentary. [Book.]


[in progress]

«Armenians and Dominicans in the SOCG series of the S.C. de Propaganda Fide.» [Journal article.]


[in progress]

The Septuagint of Numbers in the Context of Hellenism, in C. Frevel(ed.), The Book of Numbers, monographic issue of Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel. [Chapter in edited book.]


[in progress]

«Free Will and Determinism in Eznik of Kołb». [Journal article.]



Ricezione e riuso della tradizione esopica e tardo-antica nella favolistica armena medievale, in A. Ferrari – C. Frappi (eds.), Armenia, Caucaso e Asia Centrale. Ricerche 2018(Eurasiatica. Quaderni di studi su Balcani, Anatolia, Iran, Caucaso e Asia Centrale 11; Venezia: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari – Digital Publishing), 25-43 (ISBN 9788869692796). [Chapter in edited book.]



I caraiti nella Crimea imperiale russa. Rappresentazioni e costruzioni identitarie, in A. Ferrari – E. Pupulin (eds.), La Crimea tra Russia, Italia e impero ottomano(Eurasiatica. Quaderni di studi su Balcani, Anatolia, Iran, Caucaso e Asia Centrale 8; Venezia: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari – Digital Publishing), 69-90 (ISBN 9788869692017). [Chapter in edited book.]



Cataloguing records for the following manuscripts from the Oriental collection of the Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venice:


Armenian mss.: Or. 50 (=169); Or. 95 (=210); Or.  190 (=136); Or. 243 (=11951); Or. 263 (=12036); Or. 278 (=12061); Or. 280 (=12063).


Syriac and Aramaic mss.: Or.  62 (=32); Or.  63 (=96); Or. 102 (=145); Or. 241 (=11944).


Hebrew mss.: Or. 207 (= 3); Or. 210 (=11); Or. 215 (=25); Or. 216 (=82); Or. 220 (=20); Or. 222 (=47); Or. 223 (=21); Or. 224 (=183); Or. 225 (=167); Or. 226 (=174); Or. 264 (=12037); Or. 281 (=12064); Or. 282 (=12065); Or. 283 (=12066); Or. 284 (=12067); Or. 285 (=12068).



[Catalogue entries.]



I testi della Bibbia. Originali, versioni antiche, storia e tradizione, in P. Capelli – G. Menestrina (eds.),Vademecum per il lettore della Bibbia(seconda edizione riveduta e ampliata; Brescia: Morcelliana), 131-162 (ISBN: 9788837230333).[Chapter in edited book.]



Le edizioni a stampa della Bibbia armena (secc. xvi-xix), in C. Baffioniet al.(eds.),Bibbia e Corano. Edizioni e ricezioni(Orientalia Ambrosiana 5; Roma: Biblioteca Ambrosiana – Bulzoni editore), 81-98 (ISBN: 9788868970543). [Chapter in edited book.]



La traduzione armena del breviario domenicano (Venezia 1714). Note di storia, codicologia e bibliografia testuale, in A. Ferrari – E. Ianiro (eds.), Armenia, Caucaso e Asia Centrale. Ricerche 2016(Eurasiatica. Quaderni di studi su Balcani, Anatolia, Iran, Caucaso e Asia Centrale 6; Venezia: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari – Digital Publishing), 135-175 (ISBN: 9788869690938). [Chapter in edited book.]



and V. Karapetian, Armenia. Il popolo dell’arca(Archeologia, arte primitiva e orientale; Milano: Skira), 1-176 (ISBN:9788857227672). [Editorship.]



and V. Karapetian, La Chiesa armena, in V. Karapetian – P. Lucca(eds.),Armenia. Il popolo dell’arca(Archeologia, arte primitiva e orientale; Milano: Skira), 21-29 (ISBN:9788857227672). [Chapter in edited book.]



Il testo armeno dell’Antico Testamento. Problemi e tecniche di edizione, in C. Baffioniet al.(eds.), Le Sacre Scritture e le loro interpretazioni(Orientalia Ambrosiana 4; Roma: Biblioteca Ambrosiana – Bulzoni editore), 167-191 (ISBN: 9788878709904). [Chapter in edited book.]



Philology, Documentary Research, and Channels of Cultural Diffusion from the 17thto the 19thCentury, in V. Calzolari – M.E. Stone (eds.),Armenian Philology in the Modern Era. From Manuscript to Digital Text(Handbook of Oriental Studies, Section 8: Uralic & Central Asian Studies 23; History of Armenian Studies 1; Boston-Leiden: Brill), 417-465 (ISBN: 9789004259942).[Chapter in edited book.]



«St. Gregory the Illuminator. Life, Deeds, Veneration,» in San Gregorio l’Illuminatore. Patrimonio comune della Cristianità(Milano: Skira), 20-29 (ISBN: 9788857221786); Italian translation: «San Gregorio l’Illuminatore. Vita, opere, culto,» in ivi, 13-19; Armenian translation: «Sb Grigor Lusavorič‘. Kyank‘ǝ, gorcǝ, paštamunk‘ǝ,» in Surb Grigor Lusavorič‘. K‘ristoneut‘yan ǝndhanur žaangut‘yunǝ(Erevan: Mediapolis 2014), 13-19; Russian translation: «Svjatoj Grigorij Prosvetitel’. Žizn’, dejanija, počitanie,» in ivi, 20-29. [Chapter in edited book.]



Translation from Classical Armenian into Italian of excerpts from Agat‘angełos, Łazar P‘arpēc‘i, Movsēs Xorenac‘i and Nersēs Šnorhali, in San Gregorio l’Illuminatore. Patrimonio comune della Cristianità(Milano: Skira), 30, 34, 38, 40, 44, 46, 54, 60, 64, 70, 78, 80, 82, 84, 88 (ISBN: 9788857221786). [Translation in book.]



La Bibbia dei Settanta i. Pentateuco, gen. ed. P. Sacchi(Antico e Nuovo Testamento 14; Brescia,Morcelliana), 1-1022 (ISBN: 9788837225469). [Editorship.]



«Prefazione al Pentateuco dei LXX,» in P. Lucca (ed.), La Bibbia dei Settanta i. Pentateuco, gen. ed. P. Sacchi(Antico e Nuovo Testamento 14; Brescia, Morcelliana), 93-99 (ISBN: 9788837225469). [Chapter in edited book.]



«Λευιτικόν, Levitico(Introduction, translation, and commentary),» in P. Lucca (ed.), La Bibbia dei Settanta i. Pentateuco, gen. ed. P. Sacchi(Antico e Nuovo Testamento 14; Brescia, Morcelliana), 469-607 (ISBN: 9788837225469). [Chapter in edited book.]



«᾽Αριθμοί, Numeri(Introduction, translation, and commentary),» in P. Lucca (ed.), La Bibbia dei Settanta i. Pentateuco, gen. ed. P. Sacchi(Antico e Nuovo Testamento 14; Brescia, Morcelliana), 609-807 (ISBN: 9788837225469). [Chapter in edited book.]



«The Religious and Humanist Inspiration of Abbot Mekhitar and His School,» in G. Uluhogian – B.L. Zekiyan – V. Karapetian (eds.), Armenia. Imprints of a Civilization(Milan: Skira), 317-321 (ISBN: 9788857212449); Italian translation: «L’ispirazione religiosa e umanistica dell’abate Mechitar e della sua scuola,» in G. Uluhogian – B.L. Zekiyan – V. Karapetian (eds.), Armenia. Impronte di una civiltà(Milano: Skira), 317-321 (ISBN: 9788857212432); French translation: «L’inspiration religieuse et humaniste de l’abbé Mékhitar et de son école,» in G. Uluhogian – B.L. Zekiyan – V. Karapetian (eds.),Arménie. Impressions d’une civilization(Milan: Skira), 317-321 (ISBN: 9788857212456).[Chapter in edited book.]



«Bibliography,» inG. Uluhogian – B.L. Zekiyan – V. Karapetian (eds.),Armenia. Imprints of a Civilization(Milan: Skira), 385-406 (ISBN: 9788857212449). [Bibliography.]



«Šabbetay Ṣewi and the Messianic Temptations of Ottoman Jews in the Seventeenth Century According to Christian Armenian Sources,» in C. Adang – S. Schmidtke (eds.),Contacts and Controversies between Muslims, Jews and Christians in the Ottoman Empire and Pre-Modern Iran(Istanbuler Texte und Studien 21; Würzburg: Ergon Verlag), 197-206 (ISBN: 9783899137385). [Chapter in edited book.]



«Versioni armene di testi siriaci.Breve panoramica sulle traduzioni armene dal siriaco nei secoli v-xiiie loro caratteristiche,» Annali di Ca’ Foscari49/3, s. or. 41, 43-62 (ISSN: 1125-3789). [Journal article.]



«Azgn Hrēicmoleal. L’eresia sabbatiana raccontata da Eremia K‛ēōmiwrčean,» Rassegna Armenisti Italiani11, 39-44 (ISSN: 2280-4269). [Journal article.]



Collaboration in editing B.J. Beitzel (ed.), Atlante della Bibbia(Milano: Touring Club Italiano), 1-576 (ISBN: 9788836541973; English original edition:Biblica. The Bible Atlas[Sydney: Global Book Publishing, 2006]).



«Note on Armenian ՎՍԵՍՏԱԿ(iiChronicles2:10),»Le Muséon118, 315-320 (ISSN: 0771-6494). [Journal article.]



«Conversione dell’Armenia al cristianesimo e traduzione della Bibbia in armeno,» Bibbia e Oriente220, 103-126 (ISSN: 0006-0585). [Journal article.]



Collaboration in editingY. Ternon, Gli Armeni. 1915-1916. Il genocidio dimenticato (Milano: Rizzoli), 1-428 (ISBN: 9788817872065; French original edition: Les Arméniens. Histoire d’un genocide [Paris: Édition du Seuil, 1996]).



«1-2 Cronachenella versione armena della Bibbia. Dipendenze testuali e tecniche di traduzione della prima versione armena,» Bazmavep160, 150-187 (ISSN: 1722-4969). [Journal article.]



7. Book translations


[in progress]

D.I.Kertzer, The Pope Who Would Be King. The Exile of Pius ixand the Emergence of Modern Europe(New York: Random House, 2018; Italian publisher: Milano: Garzanti).


[in progress]

T.Todorov, Lire et vivre(Paris: Robert Laffont, 2018; Italian publisher: Milano: Garzanti).


[in press]

M.V.Johnsonet al.(eds.), Onesimus Our Brother. Reading Religion, Race, and Culture in Philemon(Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2012; Italian publisher: Brescia: Paideia).



P.Veyne, misteri di Pompei(Milano: Garzanti), 1-208 (ISBN: 9788811673729; French original edition: La Villa des Mystères à Pompéi[Paris: Gallimard, 2016]).



M. Pigliucci,Come essere stoici(Milano: Garzanti), 1-304 (ISBN: 9788811671800; English original edition: How to be a Stoic. Using Ancient Philosophy to Live a Modern Life [New York: Basic Books, 2017]).



J.Carrión, Librerie. Una storia di commercio e passioni(Milano: Garzanti), 1-336 (ISBN: 9788811143413; Spanish original edition: Librerías[Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama, 2013]).



A. Shavit, La mia terra promessa. Israele: la storia e le contraddizioni di un Paese in guerra per la sopravvivenza(Milano: Sperling & Kupfer), 1-480 (ISBN: 9788820055431; English original edition: My Promised Land. The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel [New York: Spiegel & Grau, 2013]).



H. Koester,Da Gesù ai vangeli(Brescia: Paideia), 1-352 (ISBN: 9788839408570; English original edition:From Jesus to the Gospels. Interpreting the New Testament in Its Context[Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2007]).



Sh. Pinès, La filosofia ebraica(Brescia: Morcelliana), 1-128 (ISBN: 9788837222284; English original edition: Jewish Philosophy, in W.Z. Harvey – M. Idel [eds.], The Collected Works of Shlomo Pines, vol. v:Studies in the History of Jewish Thought[Jerusalem: Magnes Press – Hebrew University, 1997], 1-51).



P. Musso, SarkoberlusconismoLe due facce della rivoluzione conservatrice(Ponte alle grazie: Milano), 1-160 (ISBN: 9788862200004; French original edition: Le sarkoberlusconisme[La Tour d’Aigues: Éditions de l’Aube]).



J. Iliffe, Popoli dell’Africa. Storia di un continente(Milano: Bruno Mondadori), 1-450 (ISBN 9788842420316; English original edition: Africans.The History of a Continent [Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007]).



8.Other activities



Chair of the editorial board of the journal Henoch: Historical and Textual Studies in Ancient and Medieval Judaism and Christianity(ISSN: 0393-6805).



Member of the scientific committee of Padus Armenistica and Rassegna degli armenisti italiani(ISSN: 2280-4269), the scientific section and journal of the Padus-Araxes Cultural Association.



Educational materials and translations from Classical Armenian for the exhibition «Armenia. Il popolo dell’Arca.» Rome: Vittoriano, 6th March-3rd May 2015.



Counselling, educational materials and translations from Classical Armenian for the exhibition «San Gregorio l’Illuminatore. Patrimonio comune della Cristianità.» Rome: Palazzo della Cancelleria, 20th September-19th October 2013.



Member of the editorial board of the journal Henoch: Historical and Textual Studies in Ancient and Medieval Judaism and Christianity(ISSN: 0393-6805).



Educational materials for the exhibition: «Armenia. Imprints of a Civilization.» Venice: Museo Correr, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, 16th December 2011-10th April 2012.



9.Congress papers and public presentations


2018 (29th October)

«“Cqui sta la radice, cqui fa necessario scavare.” Le missioni domenicane in Armenia nel xviisecolo.»Il viaggio in Armenia dall’Antichità ai nostri giorni, Dipartimento di Studi sull’Asia e sull’Africa Mediterranea, Università Ca’ Foscari / ASIAC / Université Sorbonne / AIEA, Venezia, 29-30 ottobre 2018.[International congress.]


2018 (12th October)

«Lezioni esaplari nella versione armena della Bibbia.»Testi greci cristiani e traduzioni armene: un viaggio di andata e ritorno, Dipartimento di filologia classica e italianistica, Alma mater studiorum – Università di Bologna, 12 ottobre 2018.[National congress]


2018 (9th June)

with M.S. Filippini, «How Did the Armenians Make Parchment? Textual Analysis and Experimental Reproduction of Some Armenian Medieval Recipes for Diagnostic Characterization.»Nouvelles recherches sur l’Arménie ancienne / New Research on Ancient Armenia, Université de Genève, Genève, 8th-9th June 2018. [International workshop.]


2018 (2nd June)

«From Doctrinal Persuasion to Economic Inducement. Paolo Piromalli’s Missionary Work among the Armenians and His Conversion Strategies.»Entangled Confessionalizations? Dialogic Perspectives on Community and Confession-Building Initiatives in the Ottoman Empire, 15th-18th Centuries, Central European University, Budapest, 1st-3rd June 2018.[International congress.]


2018 (4th May)

«La tradizione siriaca nell’antica cultura armena e l’armenistica di San Lazzaro.»Mechitar e i mechitaristi. Una scuola dei lumi cristiana, Monastero mechitarista di San Lazzaro, 4th-6th May 2018.[International congress.]


2018 (20th April)

with M.S. Filippini,«La grande arte del manoscritto nell’Armenia medievale.»Associazione «Italia-Armenia», Casa di Cristallo, Padova, 20th April 2018.[Public presentation.]


2017 (16th December)

«Neither Fowl nor Fish? Venice Mkhit‘arists and the Roman Hierarchy in the Early 19th Century.»Confessionalization and Reform:The Mkhit‘arist Enterprise from Constantinople to Venice, Trieste, and Vienna, UCLA, Los Angeles, 16th-17th December 2017.[International congress.]


2017 (30th September)

«The Armenian Dominican Friars and the Congregation de Propaganda Fide in the 17th Century.»Global ReformationsTransforming Early Modern Religions, Societies, and Cultures, Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, Toronto, 28th-30th September 2017. [International congress.]


2017 (23rd February)

«Ricezione e riuso della tradizione esopica e tardo-antica nella favolistica armena medievale.»xi Giornata di Studi Armeni e Caucasici, Department of Asian and North African Studies, Ca’ Foscari University / ASIAC, Venice, 23rd February 2017. [National congress.]


2016 (7th April)

«I caraiti di Crimea. Storia, tradizioni e problematiche identitarie.»La Crimea tra Russia, Italia e impero ottomano. Percorsi storici e culturali, Department of Asian and North African Studies, Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, 7th April 2016. [National congress.]


2016 (17th March)

«Biblical and Fable Wisdom in Medieval Armenian Literature. The Cases of Mxit‛ar Goš and Vardan Aygekc‛i.»Hors d’Espagne. Postérité et diffusion du corpus médiéval Aliento en Europe et Méditerranée, 6e Colloque International Aliento,Nancy (MSH Lorraine) – Paris (INALCO), 16th-17th March 2016.[International congress.]


2015 (19th March)

«La traduzione armena del Breviario domenicano. Appunti di microstoria e bibliografia testuale.»ix Giornata di Studi Armeni e Caucasici, Department of Asian and North African Studies /«Padus-Araxes» Association / ASIAC, Venice, 19th March 2015.[National congress.]


2014 (11th November)

«Le edizioni a stampa e le traduzioni della Bibbia armena.»Bibbia e Corano: edizioni e ricezioni,Accademia Ambrosiana, classis Orientalis, vDies Academicus, Milan, 10th-12th November 2014. [International congress.]


2014 (6th March)

«‘Leggere correttamente è impossibile.’ La riflessione dei grammatici siri sulle inadeguatezze e le imperfezioni dell’alfabeto siriaco.»Alla ricerca della scrittura perfetta, Department of Asian and North African Studies, Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, 6th-7th March 2014.[National workshop.]


2013 (12th November)

«Il testo armeno dell’Antico Testamento. Problemi e tecniche editoriali.»Le sacre scritture e le loro interpretazioni,Accademia Ambrosiana, classis Orientalis, ivDies Academicus, Milan, 11th-13th November 2013. [International congress.]


2013 (23rd April)

«‘È arrivato il figlio dell’Anticristo.’ Shabbetay Sevi e il messianismo ebraico del xviisecolo nelle fonti armene dell’epoca.»Lecture in the series: Armenia. Una civiltà di frontiera, Department of Asian and North African Studies / «Padus-Araxes» Association / ASIAC, Venice, 26th February-23rd April 2013.[Public presentation.]


2012 (28th September)

«Free Will and Determinism in Eznik of Kołb.» Inter-cultural Transmission of Intellectual Traditions in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period. A comparative perspective, Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 27th-29th September 2012.[International congress.]


2012 (15th March)

«Venezia, culla e capitale della stampa armena»(with Baykar Sivazliyan and Alessio Cotugno). Lecture in the series: Giornate armene in Marciana, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venice, 15th March 2012. [Public presentation.]


2011 (25th November)

«‘Venite qui da noi in Turchia! Vivrete in pace e liberi, come noi!’ Gli ebrei nell’Impero ottomano dopo la caduta di Costantinopoli e il mito della nuova SefaradIl ragno assolve alla funzione di portinaio nel palazzo di Cosroe. Il gufo suona la musica di guardia nella fortezza di Afrasijab. Costantinopoli è caduta,«Oriens» association, Gorizia, 25th November 2011.[Public presentation.]


2011 (6th October)

«The Armenian Rendering of the Hebraisms in the Septuagint of Leviticusand Numbers.» 12ème Conférence générale de l’Association Internationale des Études Arméniennes, Budapest, 6th-8th October 2011. [International congress.]


2011 (11th June)

«Responsabilità umana e influssi astrali nel Dialogo delle leggi dei paesi di Bardesane.» L’uomo e le stelle. Miti astrali e cosmogonici, S. Zeno di Montagna (Verona), 10th-12th June 2011. [National congress.]


2011 (10th March)

«L’idea di vita umana nell’ebraismo.» Lecture in the series: Ripensare la vita, Stensen Foundation, Florence, 10th March 2011. [Public presentation.]


2010 (15th October)

«Tra apocalittica, halakahe polemica religiosa. Espressioni socio culturali delle comunità ebraiche nel mondo persiano.» Monoteismi iranici, «Oriens» association, Gorizia, 14th-15th October 2010.[Public presentation.]


2010 (9th November)

«Anima, morte e aldilà nell’ebraismo antico e tardoantico.» Lecture in the series: La fine o un nuovo inizio. Discorsi religiosi sulla morte e l’aldilà, Fondazione Scientifica Querini Stampalia, Venice, 9th November-7th December 2010. [Public presentation.]


2010 (27th March)

«Recovering Armenian Culture. Armenian ‘Rebirth’ and the Mekhitarist Order.»

Middle Eastern Literatures of the 18th Century. A Departure towards Modernity?, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, 26th-28th March 2010. [International congress.]


2009 (14th November)

«‘Moloreal azgn Hrēic‛.’L’eresia sabbatiana raccontata da Eremia K‛ēōmiwrčean.»xiiiSeminario Armenistico Italiano, Milan, 14th November 2009. [National congress.]


2009 (3rd July)

«The Armenian Version of Chroniclesand Maccabees. Their Stylistic Affinities and Translation Techniques.» Society of Biblical Literature International Meeting, Rome, 30th June-4th July 2009. [International congress.]


2008 (11th September)

«Affinità stilistiche e di traduzione nella versione armena di CronacheMaccabei.» 11ème Conférence générale de l’Association Internationale des Études Arméniennes, Paris, 10th-12th September 2008.[International congress.]


2007 (14th June)

«Shabbetay Sevi and the Messianic Temptations of Ottoman Jews in the 17th Century According to Christian Armenian Sources.»The Position of Religious Minorities in the Ottoman Empire and Early Modern Iran, Istanbul, 13th-17th June 2007. [International workshop.]


2007 (20th April)

«Shabbetay Sevi and the Messianic Temptations of Ottoman Jews in the 17th Century According to Christian Armenian Sources.»Religion on the Borders. New Challenges in the Academic Study of Religion, Stockholm, 19th-22nd April 2007. [International congress.]


2007 (29th March)

«Gli Armeni ed Edessa. Rapporti tra mondo armeno e cultura siro-aramaica nella prima metà del vsecolo.» iGiornata di Studi Armeni e Caucasici, Department of Euroasian Studies / «Padus-Araxes» association / ASIAC, Venice, 29th March 2007. [National congress.]



10.Academic affiliations



AIEA (Association Internationale des Études Arméniennes).



Associazione «Padus-Araxes».



11.Research interests


Textual criticism of the Hebrew Old Testament and its ancient versions.

Hebrew and Armenian palaeography and codicology.

Armeno-Jewish relations in the Ottoman Empire.

Armeno-Syriac cultural relations; Syriac and Armenian Patristics.

Religious and intellectual history of the Armenian Dominicans; history of the Diocese of Naxiǰewan.






Native: Italian

Written and spoken: English, French

Reading knowledge: Spanish, German, Modern Armenian (Eastern and Western)



Reading knowledge: Latin, Greek, Classical and Medieval Armenian, Biblical Hebrew, Biblical Aramaic, Classical Syriac

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Call for Applications : Two Doctoral Research Contracts in Medieval Hebrew Palaeography

Thursday April 11, 2024

ERC Synergy MiDRASH (Grant N° 101071829)

Application deadline : 30 May 2024 Midnight, Central European Summer Time


Applications open for 2023-2024 HMDA course

Friday September 8, 2023

HMDA: Hebrew Manuscripts in the Digital Age: Palæography, Edition, Cataloguing

The École Pratique des Hautes Études, " the School of Advanced Studies " within Paris Sciences Lettres University, is inviting applications from French and international research students for an online course cluster “Hebrew Manuscripts in the Digital Age: Palaegraphy, Edition, Cataloguing”.

Deadline: 11 October 2023 (midnight, Paris time)